YOGA Python Library
YOGA Image Optimizer is based on YOGA that is a Python library and a CLI tool to convert and optimize images and 3D models.
YOGA features a simple Python API to optimize image. Here is a basic example:
import yoga.image
yoga.image.optimize("./input.png", "./output.png")
You can also pass options to the optimize() function:
yoga.image.optimize("./input.png", "./output.png", options={
"output_format": "orig", # "orig"|"auto"|"jpeg"|"png"|"webp"|"webpl"
"resize": "orig", # "orig"|[width,height]
"jpeg_quality": 0.84, # 0.00-1.0
"webp_quality": 0.90, # 0.00-1.0
"opacity_threshold": 254, # 0-255
"png_slow_optimization": False, # True|False
Read more in the YOGA's official documentation: